
Stumbling Over Diamonds: RealityPlus Clothing Company

Ever had one of those days where you're just ambling along the side roads, minding your own business, and suddenly trip over the biggest diamond you've ever seen? No? Well, it happened to me today.

Allow me to introduce you to RealityPlus Clothing Company, LLC. Not only am I going to introduce you, but I'm going to hop up and down until you go check out this precious gem.

The first thing you will notice is that this is a company that understands plus size women, our specific fit and style needs, our yearning for truly fashion conscious design, and our desire for fabrics that don't look like they used to be someone's tropical-flower kitchen curtains.

Stay tuned for the upcoming interview with Beth Ann Herrin, founder of RealityPlus Clothing Company. Let's find out more about this marvelous person and the breath-taking fashion and apparel contributions she is providing to our perfectly shaped world.