
Plus Size Shopping and the Diplomacy Dilemma

Every day we are bombarded by advertising, admonishing us to get brighter teeth, bouncier hair, clearer skin, more vibrant smiles, higher energy, slimmer waistlines, better investments, cleaner kitchens, fresher breath, faster cars, more energy efficient refrigerators, more rewarding jobs... and if we do all that, we will be as carefree and happy and wonderful as the MODELS in the ads themselves.

News Flash: We're smarter than that.

That will not stop ad agencies from doing their level best to sell us on the necessity of imminent change if we're going to truly feel good about ourselves. It's their job to do so. They must make us want to change. Even if we don't particularly want to.

But ad agencies aim their message at the stars. They broadcast to the masses, to a wide audience of viewers, readers, listeners. They don't worry about one particular individual being insulted or offended by the mass message.

Perfectly Shaped World grows because of word of mouth. It relies on real perfectly shaped people telling other people that they have found a place to shop for a wide range of plus size fashions and apparel under one roof.

Many people hesitate to use the subject of weight and dress size in conversation. So, what's the best way to let someone know about Perfectly Shaped World? I'd like to hear your ideas.

1 comment:

k8 said...

My advice: Stop hesitating to talk about body weight. Yes, easier said than done, but worth it. The best way to be accepted, large body and all, is to stop treating the subject like it's tabu. Perfectly Shaped World is one terrific place to start.